Jade Hochschule is a university of "applied sciences," which means it's less theoretical and more practical and hands-on. It's a small, intimate campus spread over a few acres in a dozen buildings and the main study areas are engineering and media. The smartphone course you'll take will emphasize practical, hands-on storytelling through your phone, including a big social media element. You can see and join the Facebook group for the course here. The other course, on media management and operations, is taught by an English-speaking professor who lived in the U.S. and is married to a fellow Texan. U.S. students sit side-by-side with English-speaking German students. You'll work together and definitely socialize together. Media and Communication students will also be there at the same time as a dozen TTU Engineering students, so there are many opportunities to get out in groups and explore the city. Classes will meet three or four days a week for two hours a day and will feel much like a summer course at Tech.