Let's insert an element here Here's a practice paragraph within which we're going to delete some content using the del tag Figure 1 Ordered list item one Ordered list item two Unordered list item one Unordered list item two Ordered list CSS one Ordered list CSS two Unordered list item one Unordered list item two Here's a paragraph of text with some in-line modifications, including bold and italics Headless body link This is our font style "This is a paragraph typed to reflect what you see in newsprint, which is narrow columns of text lining up in uniform width. This lets you fit much text in an organized column which, by the way, becomes a perfect element to duplicate with divs, etc. You can add or subtract background color, border, border color and margin or use those same tags anywhere else you'd like other than in blockquote - they work everywhere, not only on text but on photos."©